The Age Of Revolution: 1789-1848 by Eric Hobsbawm

“The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848” by Eric Hobsbawm is a captivating account of the transformative period marked by political upheavals, social movements, and profound ideological shifts. Hobsbawm explores the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the emergence of nationalism, weaving together a comprehensive narrative that illuminates the interconnectedness of these events and their lasting impact on the modern world.

$ 25.00Approximately: $22.07


Eric Hobsbawm traces with brilliant anlytical clarity the transformation brought about in evry sphere of European life by the Dual revolution – the 1789 French revolution and the Industrial Revolution that originated in Britain. This enthralling and original account highlights the significant sixty years when industrial capitalism established itself in Western Europe and when Europe established the domination over the rest of the world it was to hold for half a century.


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