The Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes

“The Fatal Shore” by Robert Hughes is a gripping and comprehensive account of the founding and early years of Australia as a British penal colony. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, Hughes explores the harrowing journey of convicts, the brutal conditions they endured, and the profound social and cultural impact of the convict experience on the shaping of Australian society.

$ 25.00Approximately: $21.17


An award-winning epic on the birth of Australia

In 1787, the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King George III, the British Government sent a fleet to colonise Australia.

Documenting the brutal transportation of men, women and children out of Georgian Britain into a horrific penal system which was to be the precursor to the Gulag and was the origin of Australia, The Fatal Shore is the definitive, masterfully written narrative that has given its true history to Australia.


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