Unknown Empire: The True Story of Mysterious Ethiopia and the Future Ark of Civilization by Dean W. Arnold

Dean W. Arnold in his Unknown Empire provides a unique and edifying experience, a “nonfiction novel” where every exciting action and quote is true.


The future of civilization is shifting. Some say to an Asian world, others a Muslim world, or perhaps to a “New World Order” (if China and Islam do not win the day). However, a new book offers the little considered thesis that Ethiopia, unknown as a majority Christian nation and the first Christian empire, could be the next epicenter of civilization.

Unknown Empire begins with a barefoot Ethiopian army defeating thousands of European soldiers in 1896. As the only African nation to never be conquered, they defeated Mussolini during WWII. With the West dying but Africa booming, Ethiopia faces population control leaders such as Bill Gates and the U.N. in an epic confrontation for the future of civilisation.

In all these confrontations, the ark of the covenant plays a central role for Ethiopians who believe that they have held the world’s most famous object since before the time of Christ. The author explores the ark claim throughout and weaves in the claims of Eden and empire. Utilizing his trademark style – history with a plot.


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